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Deleted 85 days ago

It's a kinetic novel, there aren't any meaningful choices.


Hello, dear friend. I really liked your novella, I was not into them before, but suddenly I accidentally saw yours, and I was simply amazed by how the characters are written, their character and behavior in a given situation. I am inspired by the character of the main character, his calm and collectedness. I would like to know the answers to several questions:

1) How long will the story go? How many updates do you plan to make until the end of the story?

2) How often will this masterpiece be updated?

3) Will new girls be added? And will the main character have a limit?

Thanks in advance for the answers, and thanks again for such an inspiring story. By the way, greetings from Russia :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Cosy Creator hasn't replied yet, so I am taking the liberty of telling you what I know. 

The first release was about two years ago and included the first 10 days. Since then there have been 10 more releases and 16 new in-game days. I think that's pretty fast for a game of this quality.

Elsewhere, Cosy Creator has recently provided an outline of future game content. Sounds to me like material for another 2 years of updates at this rate at the very least, maybe even a lot more. Cosy Creator did not mention additional girls, and with the potential love interests we have encountered so far, it already looks like a potentially huge harem. On the other hand, there will be time skips to university, so some university students may be added. (At the very least Samantha, who already has a crush on the MC but is so far classified as a side character.)

I am not sure what you mean by limit. A limit on the harem size? Since the novel is essentially kinetic (i.e. linear), the harem has the same size in every play-through.


Hey, sorry I missed replying to this! I get a tonne of messages after a release, and somehow this one slipped through. Most of the questions have already been answered, though I would say there is probably around 4 years of content left to develop, going by my current plan. There is one more side love-interest yet to be introduced (a childhood friend of the MC), but other than that the main cast is set at this point.

And thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it!


Hey just wanted to know how to delete saves with the new ui, originally it could be done by hovering the mouse over the save and hitting the delete key but its not working. btw the game is amazing, like top 3 best vns out there, been following since initial release

Hey, thanks! The ability to delete saves was lost during the creation of the new UI, however it is going to be added back in an upcoming patch.

(1 edit) (-2)

wish you could make a external download mainly cuz it doesnt download fully before it stops


Great game, awesome story. Can't wait to see the finished product.


Any chance of an update soon? Really enjoying the story!


Happy to hear that! The next update, 0.11, will be up on patreon in less than 24 hours.


And when will the public release be


Usually a month


By far one of the greatest VNs i have read in a long time! I will be subscribing on patreon . Cant wait for more!!

Well I picked this up on a whim because I was in the mood for something light and easy to get in to.

I am now deeply invested in the Machiavellian escapades of a small town council and one incredibly well organised teen.

Damn good stuff cosy creator.

Also I feel personally called out by the suggestion that we want to fuck the stupid out of the annoying class feminist.

Honestly so long as that comes after giving Akatsuki one up the Jacksie, I'll be truly happy with this project.

Can't wait for more!


I agree with the idea of fucking the feminist, but make her submissive. hardcore BDSM


it would be very hard to get dubcon right within the writing, (usually gets way too rapey, it is a hard line to ride down the middle) but if they pull it off well, her being super into it whilst very vocally protesting could actually be the hottest thing ever.

It fits the emerging personality of our MC, just need him to be strong enough to hold her in a full nelson and smash her back doors in whilst she's losing it trying to come to terms with the fact that she loves it.


she is clearly already into him and lying to herself. Only natural progression in things like this

It's possible I've forgotten hints, but that's not at all how I read things.

she masturbated to him fucking Lucy in Sarah's clubroom


I really enjoy this game. Couple of points though. When you download a game with the word 'cozy' in the title what you do not really expect is political intrigue and backstabbing. Kinda tonal whiplash.

Secondly the 3D models. The girls models are amazing. Like a 3D modeling master lovingly crafted each one over a solid week. The men on the other hand looks like someone watched a couple of YouTube tutorials then banged them all out in a single afternoon. They are TERRIBLE. The contrast is actually immersion breaking. I get the girls are obviously the draw and I would never tell you how to make your own game but I'm just wondering if there's any chance they'll get another pass?

Thanks for making a great game!

When the girls are in the cafe, the intrigue and backstabbing doesn't follow them in. And I think the dev is British, and over there, "Cozy" is famous rock drummer.

'And I think the dev is British, and over there, "Cozy" is famous rock drummer.'

... yes. I'm sure a drummer that was from the devs country and that died almost 30 years ago is super relevant to the name of this AVN.

Only time you'll find it spelled with a Z over there.

Wow. You still haven't told me what that has to do with the game.

Let me guess: you end sentences with "at" and use "anyways" all the time. 


I'm surprised how good this AVN is.  This, is up there with Harem Hotel with writing and just building characters to where you actually care about them.  And I can't wait to see where the story goes.


As someone who has played quite a lot of AVNs, I'm genuinely surprised I've never heard about this one before because it quickly got into my top 10 list, which was particularly surprising considering it doesn't have any choices or other kinds of interactive aspects. While I usually prefer a bit more variety than just maledom, it does a very good job establishing a relatively healthy dynamic in that regard, with a few exceptions but they're so minor that they don't really matter. So it's not really a criticism by any means as that would be like criticising a horror movie for not being funny.

That being said, how much new content is usually added in every update? Because if it's just an hour or so I might wait until a couple more have been released as I prefer waiting longer for more content at once. But if it's 3+ hours it's definitely worth getting every new update.


Glad to hear you enjoyed it! The next update is around 25,000 words - having asked quite a few players, I find the average speed people get through it is a little over 10k words per hour, but there is massive individual variation. So really it just depends how fast you are.

have Chinese?

Not officially. Though I've been told that there is an unofficial Chinese translation out there on the internet somewhere.



just finished this game and i loved it keep up the amazing work. cant wait for the next update


damn i played this until 05:00 in the morning, i completly forgot time, amazing game, can't wait for more!


It's been a while since the last release.

Kinda starting to miss it...
*sniffs sniffs* Say, got anymore of those updates?


Aiming to get the next one up on Patreon on the 15th of December.

At least one good news then :)


I love your game! Great job.


Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

I simply love this game, have played it since its first release. I just have one simple thing to say, I think it's time that the MC says "I love you" to atleast lucy for now

I mean, writing is really amazing, and you really knows how write in style. But, One component is missing. Lovey-dovey is missing , its blunt, too formal. There were many moments when i would have squeezed the life out of girl by hugging her…But mc in game got chocked and turned into formality, bit robotic , unemotional.

Anyway its still very good. As i said, youreally knows how to wrap words nicely and it was pleasant to read.


Thanks, happy to hear you enjoyed it! The MC being a bit emotionally guarded is deliberate at this point. He has a character arc, just like the girls do. Eventually he will open up more.

Hello, may I ask when the sequel will be released?


0.11 should be out on patreon mid December some time.

I'm really looking forward to the sequel, and I hope that the sequel will be much longer than in 0.10, where 2 days of continuation were added.


Spoiler free! This game is easily one of the best AVN's I've read so far, as for someone who plays these games mainly for the lore rather than the scenes. The romantic chemistry between everyone was very organic. The writing and setting were all neatly planned and executed. At first it was about internal problems and conflicts but it got dialed up to an 11 when the real story started about the shady happenings in the city that our protagonist has been living in. There's really nothing much else to say other than this was very well made! If i was to be ask if there was something to be improved on, i might stretch it and say "Speed of days" or "in game time". If you were to take the days and everything that's been happening in the story, it'd be pointing out that everything happened so fast within just days where as it shouldve taken at least a few months if it were to happen realistically. This isn't inherently bad though, as it avoided the thing that most AVN's do which is dragging out some bullshit for content padding. If it needs to be that fast then i don't mind that much as i understand that thinking of more content is not that easy of a task. But to be honest, i think im just biased about the pacing thing because i couldnt get enough of the storyline LMAO (so don't mind me about "realistic timing" this is an AVN afterall and like i said, im just salty that i reached the end so fast and i wanted more). On a serious note, it really is one of the best AVN's out there. I've read/played tons of AVN's (and story-driven sandboxes)and i can confidently say that this is the 7th game that i placed in my S-tier AVN's alongside the greatest AVN's  in this site. I won't drop game names out of respect for the dev but i think if you know, you know (currently i only have 8 games on that list and i've played close to about 60 AVN's). Thank you for this wonderful piece that im happily attached to now. Keep up the good work and i hope for the best Cosy!!! PS: I was gonna rate this game much much earlier (like close to 2 months ago) i think but i forgot and got distracted by other AVN's lol.


Awesome review, thanks so much!

You're very much welcome ^^

I'd enjoy the rest of content especially after the 0.9 chapter but I hope that the next update will took longer time to finish because I love the story


0.11 is around 25k words, so a couple of hours probably, depending on how fast you get through it.


This has quickly become one of my favorite AVNs ever. Of all time. It feels like it was made specifically for me:

Inheriting a business: check

Top tier love interests with good variety: check

Clear communication between the MC and the girls: check

And on top of that, all the intrigue with the Founding Families, and just generally being incredibly well written... I'm hooked, and I cannot wait to see what happens next!


I'm really enjoying this story. I like the girls and want to know more about each of them but I really wish there was more Lucy. She was so sweet and the interactions with her were cute in the beginning but I feel like she's been pushed out by all the others in the harem. It's hard to write content for so many but I feel like she needs more time with the MC so that she's "seen" like she was in the beginning.

(2 edits) (+1)

I do agree that I feel as though furthering Lucy's story would be nice. To be honest, I was expecting some form of a follow-up 'retaliation' from her mother, to be honest. I mean, the cafe is really close to where she lives so there is no way her mother doesn't know where she is currently staying.

The challenge, I imagine, would be maintaining good pacing. Especially considering we are in the middle of establishing the dynamic between the MC and the other Founding Family heads and their daughters (Sarah, Hannah, Cathrine and Elizabeth).


I agree. I think this is one of the biggest issues with Harem themed games in general is pacing and development and giving everyone the attention they need/deserve.

Overall I think Cosy Cafe is doing a good job of managing that but as a player I can't help but want more. I think ultimately I just don't want anyone but particularly Lucy to be lost in the shuffle.

(2 edits)

Yea, it is sort of a necessary evil, when you think about it. Everyone has their favorites and so no matter what someone will be wishing their favorite gets "more" attention. All you can really hope for is that the pacing remains solid, which I agree with you that Cosy does a great job of keeping the pace.

I think I mentioned it before in a comment, but I would love to know more about the clumsy white-haired girl, Anabella.

Do you have Chinese?


how do I make it stop saying day one Saturday after every single line ?

I really do enjoy this game so far, every bit of it. But i gotta say that Sarah is my absolute favorite and I love the direction and pace its going at, i just simply need more of it. All of it even. Love the other girls too, but Sarah is precious.

I'm mixed between Sarah and kitten then again I'm 6'3 so small people are just precious in general to me, but I do like the others as well and I'm hoping for more with Hannah she seems she'd be fun to join the squad fully


I love this game. Definitely in top 5 story category. The characters are loveable, the story is engaging, the writing is good( no trying to understand what they are meaning due to bad English/translation) this is a must play!


is the story are completed yet or still ongoing?



(1 edit) (+2)

To further clarify what @Grandisire said, it is ongoing and looks to have a LOT more room for story development.


thanks guy

(1 edit) (+9)

Damn, this is seriously a great example of engaging writing. The fact it took me hours to realise its not interactive because I was so engaged with the characters speaks for itself. This isnt some loosely connected series of sex scenes with a plot hastily written to connect the dots, im reading mainly because I want to know what happens next, I want to know how the girls will end up and see them grow. 

While the negatively stereotyped "feminist" that it universally ignored and shown as a "haha dumb woman" doesn't sit well with me the writing overall is superb. 

Genuinely great, can't wait for each new update to the story

Context is everything. The character you mention has lived her life in a not-so-large city where polygyny is essentially required of the hereditary ruling families. 

(1 edit) (+5)

You know, when I found Caribdis and their 'Once In a Lifetime' story, thought that was gonna be a once in a lifetime find quality wise. But damn if you haven't hit that mark as well. Keep it up.

Edit: Didn't see the pun until after posting the comment. I'm keeping it.


Wow, thank you; that's a hell of a compliment!


You seem to value good writing in your AVN, maybe give MIST and Now And Then a look, both are incredible stories and high quality works.

Not trying to undermine Cosy's work by any means, i am totally in the same boat with you on this. Just sharing knowledge in case you've not tried those.


I have not. I'll give them a check.


Little over a month since  .10 dropped and I can't stop thinking what'll be next after where we left off...

Hi,dear creator,i have problem to download ur great game,could u give a other download link :)

Sorry, I can't here - the last time I did that itch's automod falsely flagged me as a spammer. If you join the discord link at the top of the page you can get it there.


which channel?

I've pinned it in Cosy-Cafe-General


keep continuing your great work,i crazy about this game:)))

(1 edit) (+3)

This game is truly amazing. While is pretty much just a "hey read this book I wrote" rather than having choices, the story itself is amazing and I genuinely felt emotions for the characters which is rare. As of 0.10.1, it had around 10-12 hrs of content at my reading speed (which I admit I was so hooked I lost my Saturday) but the variations in scenes, situations, and characters was amazing.

There were a few things that I would like to see improved some of which I don't know are in the author's control.

1. The elbows on these characters look like someone roughed them with sandpaper. I could see why the MC would have this but all the girls having it too drew me out a few times. I think it's a base model thing so honestly not sure what can be done about it but I don't think I've really seen other games with this...feature?
2. It might be coming in the future but it would be nice to see variations in pubic hair and some more medium chested girls. If I remember correctly, everyone is shaved and girls by and large have extremely voluminous bosoms with a couple small but...I may be in the minority on this one as a lot of erotic games tend to have nothing but large. Kinda like shopping for shirts and there are only small or x-large but nothing in between.

Hey, thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

Yeah, nothing I can really do about the elbows right now unfortunately. That may change when I overhaul all of my graphical stuff some time in the first half of next year when I build a new PC though.

Pubic hair is probably not gonna happen, sorry! More medium sized chests are definitely coming down the line eventually, however. When I first made all of the main girls I deliberately made a range going from small to large, however it just so happened that the two smallest (Akatsuki/Sarah) and the two biggest (Lucy/Vicky) got all of the early attention.

(1 edit) (+1)

Keep up the good work! It truly is an amazing story. Oh forgot to mention. I think there's a typo somewhere where it says "cottoned" instead of "caught on to" which I found funny.


Thanks again! That's not a typo, it's a British idiom.

(5 edits) (+2)

I would love more screen time for my personal favorite and loveable / pitiful kultz Anabella. Would be overjoyed if she were upgraded from side to main character. Though she has only really shown up three times, her clumsiness is as loveable as Scrat from Ice Age. 

I suppose I just can't help but relate to / root for her, but in order for her to have success she must first have more screen time. Also, I am SOO curious as to why she wanted that favor and what her relationship is within the Founding Families.

Finally, I have a soft spot for white haired female leads (like Gwen from My Bully is my Lover), lol.


It won't be for a while, but don't worry, she definitely has a significant part to play eventually!




Great game overall.
Plenty of girls that have each unique personalities(doesn't sound like much but most games fumble this), so youa ctually care about them.
H scenes are well made, models are very nice, the plot is actually cool.

Honestly one of my favourite games I have played from here.

 I would rate this game 10 if I could.


Honest Review.

Went through this in a week and I can say this. Great writing, great visuals, and the intrigue is better than the sex scenes. And the sex is pretty damn good! That says a lot from me when I feel that 90% of VNs nowadays seem solely focused on being petty fap material. I am completely locked in on this story and cannot wait for there to be more. The only issue I had at all with this is one or two words missing from sentences and the fact that every elbow and knee looked like it belonged to someone who needs serious lotion. Lol. Keep up the fantastic work!


I wonder if pregnancy will ever be a thing in here. I'm partial to that lol

(1 edit)

(NOTE: I am not the developer so take this with a huge grain of salt.)

Pregnancy logically makes sense for story progression and character development. The developers have mentioned that eventually they will be doing time skips to progress the story over wider amounts of time (rather than one day at a time). 

There are several reasons time skips would be needed: among those reasons could be progressing to graduation, weddings, and... pregnancy.

So, I grabbed this after seeing Lucy as a Special Guest in That New Teacher, and I have to say... as someone who is usually hugely against linear visual novels without much choices, I have to admit, I was sad to see the screen saying I was at the end of the current update. I just downloaded this a few days ago and have went through it with most of my free time.

 I really enjoy your characters' personalities and backstories and find myself constantly wondering how things will go for certain ones. I'll be honest, I grabbed this because of it being a school-themed H-game and found myself growing more disinterested in the H-scenes and spamming my spacebar through some to get back to the story and see what happens next for the more dramatic parts. I know you don't know me, so let me just say... I'm a huge perv so that is saying a lot about your writing, imho. 

Keep up the good work! I can't wait for the next update to see what happens to Team Fletcher!

(1 edit)

just thought i would drop a review/ stream of thoughts i had for the game here.

kinda unique in the sense that it's almost more of a visual novel movie/ show more than an interactive game and i think that's more of a plus than a down side honestly. it looks like there was a token effort at the start to make choices that really didn't matter before giving up those not too far in and i kind of appreciate that.

i generally like to experience everything games like these have to offer and i bounce between the various girls but in the more sandbox style ones the author can't always account for what you have seen yet so scenes with the various girls tend to be very isolated from each other with very little cross over. and the ones with choices tend to only effect if your going to miss content or not.

this style cuts out the nonsense of the choice system and the linear style allows the author to tie all the girls stories very closely together. of course this style also lives and dies on how well the author can tell their story and sell their characters cause that's all it's selling and i honestly think they did a fantastic job.

the main plot isn't gonna win any awards for how interesting it is but does a solid job being the frame work for the character interactions and porn. the characters i think are the biggest selling point here the introductions the characters have and how they get involved with the protagonist can feel a bit forced and odd like the "cat" girl getting into him by sitting in his lap and getting him hard and then she is just like "this is now my life goal".

but once they get established just watching them interact is just a joy to watch. all the girls feel unique both visually and in their personalities and just seeing them react to various events and changes in relationship status or clash/ make friends with each other is a lot of fun.

the tone is very slice of life with very little drama or danger and what little there is just shakes up the status quo more than anything. the split between the school life and work feels really odd like it's half adult life and half highschool life and if i were to guess the school was added to make the cast interact with characters they normally wouldn't interact with naturally. 

i like the pacing quite a bit giving just enough time of romance fluff and everyday life for each girl while also keeping the plot going at a good pace. i actually find some of the most interesting thing about romance is how it affects their day to day life and interactions with other people and this game is loaded with that so it scratches that niche itch for me.

it's definitely highlighted in the description but i will add for emphasis this is a highly male dom fetish story. both in and out of the bedroom the male lead makes sure he is very in charge of every situation and in general will act how most dudes imagine their best self being. don't mistake the male dom for being super hard core bdsm stuff even if their is some of that cause the tone is actually extremely wholesome.

i actually think the male dom fetish is criminally under represented in this style of game so it's pretty refreshing to see. i can also see a lot of attention to detail from the author to try and make the girls more real looking by adding things like pores, some rough texture to the shaved pubes area and a bit of meat curtains on the vaginas. but i do think they go over board with the wrinkles/calluses on the knees and elbows cause i am twice their age and i still got smoother skin there than they do. it doesn't ruin it or anything but it's definitely noticeable.

overall it was a great experience and i highly recommend it to anyone reading this. i'm sad i'm all caught up and it will probably be more than a year till i see more as i let the updates stack. cudos to the author cause you did some great work here.

** just a quick edit to mention i do think the girl introduction/ getting more involved get much better from sarah onward. not sure if that is just the author getting better at writing or just having that established cast gives them more room to let the new ones breath for their introductions but i thought i would bring it up regardless.


Thanks, that's an awesome review!
And just to answer the very last point: while I would say my writing certainly has improved over the course of making the game, it's more just having room to breathe. Same with the Akatsuki introduction you mentioned previously actually; in the early content I felt a lot of pressure to make things move and get things established so as not to bore the reader, meaning the first three girls were more rushed than I would like. Especially Lucy; in hindsight I would have liked to take things much slower with her, and go deeper into the story with her mother.


Was not expecting to see a Lucy cameo in the latest version of That New Teacher. Was a pleasant surprise!


Yeah, Rogue (the dev of TnT) is a great guy - he's helped me out on a few occasions when I've got stuck with things.

How do I find your discord

There's a link at the top of the page.


I really love it when she showed off her new pink phone too hehee. She was so cute. Cannot wait for yours new update.

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