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I'm up to date with the current release. Now what am I supposed to do with my free time?


THis is a masterpiece 


Wow, I never would have thought that i wouldn't even care about the fucking in this type of game but i love the story so much. Thank you brother for making this.

You're very welcome, glad you enjoyed it!


Very awesome story. I really enjoy the serious story points, and I love the character models/personalities.

When will be the v0.9 release????

The patreon release will be in a few weeks, it's the free one will probably be mid June.


Nice game, when I first downloaded this game, I only thought about the sex scenes, but as I entered the middle, I don't know why the story started to become good and when Akatsuki was about to be recruited, I felt happy until I shed a few tears. The story of this game is extraordinary, I can't wait to read the next update.  (Sorry for bad English) 

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

This one was pretty good. A bit linear. But good none the less. 

It's usually 2-3 months apart (Cosy Creator) is pretty swift and consistent on updates although there is a time where real life might get in the way, all depends on Cosy's schedule.

Hi, dear author, a few questions 😊

1️⃣ There are only five gallery characters at present. Will there be any new characters to join in the future?

2️⃣ games are updated frequently, once a month and a half. There is a game next door with the same frequency as you. Both of you are in version 0.8 now. Guess which one of you will release 0.9 first? 😁 The author's link I put below you can click to see

I played the 

3️⃣ game before version 0.6, and the frequency of spanking is relatively high. I hope we can delete some points and change others in the future. After all, we are not violent masochists. I hope being nice to these girls can increase pregnancy and expression of emotion.

1. Yes, all of the names listed in the gallery will eventually get scenes in there.

2. No idea, sorry!

3. Maledom is one of the core themes of the story, so removing it is highly unlikely.

There is another thing you didn't understand me, that is, will there be any new roles added in the future? Then spanking. I just said the frequency can be reduced. Haha, I didn't say to delete it.

is the new update supposed to just auto play from end of .6? only asking because it doesnt let me go past the credits of that update.

Are you sure you've got the latest version (it should say 0.8.1 on the top right of the main menu)? Also, what's the last day you've played (the final day in 0.8 is day 21, a Friday)

my update says .8.1 and it wont let me go past day 17

(1 edit) (+1)

You might want to uninstall and a fresh install might have jumbled files, I've had this downloaded since .6 all I ever do is download the new version and update the game never had a problem...

You'll love the new update once you get it fixed this is by farm my favorite story I've ever read:)

Sorry, I don't know what would be causing that. All I can recommend is deleting your game files (your save should be stored separately, so you won't lose it), and then downloading a fresh install.

that worked thanks. Cant wait to play the new update!

No problem, I hope you enjoy it!


cant wait for next update cried with the Akatsuki scene when you go to her family's restaurant 


Waiting on .9 got me sad this is an amazing VN, feels familiar and unique at the same time.


Just found this, played it and now doing a replay because it is very well written... Can't wait 'til .9...


I'm glad Akatsuki is back, the story is great so far. I'm really looking forward to Sarah's story arc.

Yeah mee too I was so sad when our precious kitten left us, I'm a grown ass man and this story sometimes makes me wanna cry, I don't read them for the lewd parts the story is what gets me hooked...

It's like heroin I need the next part I start going nutz!

Yeah, the story is great. 


This was much better than I expected going in. Plot holds attention well without being anything overly fantastical like many of these games I've played recently. Characters are well written, and mc didn't come across as weird/creepy/cringe. One of the biggest differences from similar titles that I really appreciated was that the groups relationship dynamic was clearly made known to all early on, so we didn't have to go through the awkward stage of explaining everything to all involved, or the scummy feeling of going behind the backs of people we're supposed to be made to care about.

Really good work, and looking forward to the games future updates.


just finish playing 0.7 last night and i gotta say, my favorite character for the majory (in my first playthrough 0.5) was akatsuki, but after 0.7, being able to spend time with sarah, i feel inlove, she's such a cute character specially when she looks down and her eyes glitter/glow i just cannot fall in love with her character... 

everything else i love so much, from the story direction, mysteries to their personality like mc, lucy, vicky, danny, akatsuki, akari, alison, and surprisingly annabelle (hopefully she becomes a fmc but i feel like her current personality is just a facade or she's hiding something) 

i cant wait for 1.0 so i can binge it cuz ngl im currently addicted to your work! i love how you create characters and how surreal they are, i just wish there's a lot more to their facial expressions but i guess there are limitations with honey select 2, anyway i cant wait for more! i love it so much and i would definitely recommend it to alot of my friends (who are also into AVN) keep up the good work~! 


Thanks so much, I really appreciate the kind words!

will a new story update be released soon? the story is honestly so captivating!

Unfortunately not, it's only a couple of weeks since the last public update. The next patreon release should be in a little less than a month if all goes well though.

Very nice game, I love the story And the Girls. Mostly headmistres so I am Just asking do you plan on doing something in another update or you will prefer others? 

Thanks! The headmistress will definitely get more content eventually.

(1 edit)

Great game! After playing for hours i realised there are no choices. Which turns out IS great i could more easily follow the story and got so immersed that i didint even realize. 5/5. Which site is better for supporting you patreon or SubscribeStar? 

Either is fine, whichever you prefer. And thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


I really love the story, i did cry lol 

I've just finished the game and I gotta say it's a really good VN, the girls are cute and the MC is a lot better than others! But I do want to know, how can I keep my saves for the next update?

Hey, glad you enjoyed it. The exact way saves work depends on the platform, but they should just stay across versions without you having to do anything (on PC they're saved in your roaming app data, so even if you delete the game the saves should persist)


I'm loving this game so much.
This story, and these characters, aaaaaaaaah!
I have no words to express how incredible it was to play each of this updates.
Eagerly waiting for the next updates.

May it grow more and more and in a distant day we will see the end of this beautiful story (too far away to last longer haha)!

Thanks for the game <3



Loving this game so far!  One hopefully simple request though.   Would it be possible to post the day count next to each update?   Im on day 20 in the game now and have no clue how far that is in terms of updates.   I was trying to get a gauge on that without spoilers.    So for example: like 0.8 is out (Day X-Day Z)

Sure, that's easy enough. I'll try to remember to do that in the future! As for now, day 21 is the final day in 0.8. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

can someone show me or guide me on how to download games on iPhone?

(2 edits) (+1)

Not gonna lie, if this gets abandoned at any point I may lose my mind. I need the full story of MC and Lucy and I'm officially locked into it. Pls dont let me down dev. I need this

ngl you kinda blindsided me with lucy, thought it was gonna be typical awkward girl but then here comes the parade of hot girls that immediately overshadow her and knock her out before she has a chance to compete. Instead was slow building with some connection and stability. Well played. Lowkey almost wish I could ignore all the others and do a solo route too lmao.

(1 edit) (+2)

Don't worry, I've got no intention of abandoning it. In fact, if it keeps growing on patreon as it has been I plan on going into development full time next year.

Also, yeah, Lucy is a sweetheart.


I will be waiting for a full release of this game. The story is very well written, but I second the idea of doing a bit of a solo run or maybe be able to pick and choose who you want working in the cafe.

(1 edit) (+1)

awesome news. I really look forward to it.
Finally finished the current release and man I'm so sad but desperate for more haha. What a crazy ride its been. Still do wish I could select who to let in and who not, but regardless I still really enjoyed it.


Won't lie, one of my favorite VNs I've found. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

I just played the new update and I gotta say it's pretty good. I just saw your planned tags and I would like to ask if you have considered involving pregnancy contract


I'm pretty sure Cosy said pregnancy would be added later on in the story when it matters or something like that,  maybe it was a different game I heard that on I can't really remember.


Yep, pregnancy will be added later on in the story when it makes sense for the characters, so don't expect it any time soon.

Wait, by what I understand from the frequency of updates, version 1.0 will be released around October (+/- 1 month), so ver. 1.0 is not going to be the final version?

(1 edit) (+1)

Nope, I've seen a lot of people with that misconception, but software versions aren't actually decimals, even though they look like it. in 0.8.1 the "0" is the major version, the "8" is the minor version, and the "1" is the patch - so it will continue from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0 then 0.11.0 etc. The game isn't even close to finishing.


I see, thankfully there will be much more

(1 edit)

I haven't played for about two updates, but I am still in love with your story <3 Thank you for all your hard work, I hope life isn't being too hard on you~ I look forward to your content in the future. :) 

edit: last time I played was 0.5! 


Hey, I'm doing good thanks - happy to hear you're enjoying the story!

Deleted 333 days ago

it's not that kind of game. it states it in the info, it's basically a VN only. 

Why part 8 is so fast story. We need more story. We've been waiting so long


I put out an update every two months and have a full time job, so that's just the way it is I'm afraid. Having said that, the next one will be a bit longer.


short but sweet update, I enjoyed it!

The fact you're able to do all this, while working full time outside of Cosy Cafe, that's amazing!

Ah sorry to hear that. Well goodluck, you really did great things. I will wait for next new update

That is sad to hear, but I will still be here waiting for the next update.

Take care, Cosy


When I see Akatsuki crying....

My heart is so pain 💔

stupid question but can someone teach me how to download games on iPhone like a step by step thanks 

So you don't plan on mini cumflation nor pregnancy? It'll look so cute with those though... voyeurism should also be available but these are all suggestions.


0.8 was short but oh my god im invested into this NV its addicting. such a great story with wonderful visuals.

I grabbed 0.8.1 off F95 yesterday.  I noticed the main menu had changed, but when i loaded my game and clicked forward a dozen scenes to get to the new content i got the "End of this Update" screen or whatever it says.  I moved my saves the same as i always do and it usually works.  Was this just a QOL update or is there actually new content and my save is broken or something?

0.8.1 is just the public release version of 0.8, so if you played 0.8 previously the only differences are bug fixes and quality improvements - no new content.

0.8 version i can't download in my device(Android). I try to download 5 times but it's failed after downloading 1.15gb . It's so frustrating. Please help me 

I think that's probably an itch issue as a couple of people have reported something similar in the last few hours. Here's a link to the android version on GoFile that should work.

It's showing me that ,the folder is not public.

It should work now

thank you 😊 


One of the best VN I've played. Can't wait for more. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Well, I was slowly won over by this comic. It's not my favorite style. I don't like any kind of domineering stuffs going on. But people seem to be able to choose their own destiny if they want. The comic finally won me over because I was given the choice as to whether or not I'm into feet - which I happen not to be. I do not like comics that just put people's feet in my face. This comic asked permission. I'm grateful. Thanks. I'm not familiar with this kind of 3D vs say things done with DAZ studio, but I think I might like this style better than the usual 3D type art. One thing that bothers me about this and all of these style comics is the endless giant boobs and giant butts. They just don't do anything for me, and it seems like the rule that EVERYONE and I mean EVERY. SINGLE. COMIC has to have mostly giant boobs and butts. At least the bodies in this are very beautiful. [edit] There is the usual ... too large breasts for me at least. But this comic actually deals with the idea that women's breasts aren't all the same. 

Thanks for a great comic. When I'm working, I'll donate. 

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AGREE too much. Chubby big boobs big butts not enough normal and petite bodies in vns,

Also he's using honey select 2 to make the models.


are the scenes animated?


Mostly. There are 12 animated scenes (generally the longer and more significant ones), and then a number of blowjob/handjob/fingering scenes that are just renders (these are generally the ones that are more about fooling around, or contain a lot of dialogue while the sex act is happening on the side)


The consent and communication in this game is hot as fuck. Even if I do feel like the MC pushes the edge a bit too hard in a few places (mostly with Sarah), it's rare to see an explicitly dominant MC who actually discusses boundary-setting, asks about limits, and checks in with his partners during intimacy.

Although, side note: I do find it a pity that the only voice of "feminism" in the game is a batshit crazy prude, which seems to be pretty common in these games. As someone who's kinky and poly, in my experience feminists tend to be more likely to be accepting of non-traditional relationships like this one, not less. Just seems off for a game that's mostly so good about consent to have the only character who ever really talks about it in those terms have no idea what the word means.

Ah well, that's a minor gripe. Still one of the hottest games I've ever played. There are AVNs who I ranked higher on story or character (though not many), but I don't think I've played one that got me more turned on than this one. Keep up the great work.

(This comment was written while downloading 0.8, so is only based on up to 0.7.)


I've had this one downloaded and not played it yet. Thanks for the thoughts. It made me decide to try it.


Agree with the feminist. Hope she gets redemption or something or have another not be crazy


just finished 0.8, so wholesome it almost made me shed a tear

still unsure about hannah, but catherine may be a good addition to the harem


Glad you liked it! I'm definitely looking forward to Catherine, too.

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